Offers and extras

Complete your stay with our offers and extras. You can add them during the booking process, after choosing your room and rate.

Offers - Hotel San Antonio el Real

VIP treatment

With our VIP Treatment you can enjoy a bathrobe, plush slippers, a welcome gift (chocolates or similar) and our VIP amenities pack in your room during your stay.

Offers - Hotel San Antonio el Real

Happy anniversary

Happy anniversary Surprise your partner and enjoy a bottle of cava in your room during your stay, as well as our bathrobes and slippers, a welcome gift (chocolates or similar) and our VIP amenities pack.
Offers - Hotel San Antonio el Real

Romantic getaway

Enjoy a romantic getaway in our hotel or surprise your partner with a special detail. This package includes a bouquet arrangement of a rose, VIP amenities pack and welcome detail in the room (chocolates or similar).

Introducir fechas y ver precios

Selecciona fecha de entrada, fecha de salida y tipo de habitación

Descubra las ventajas de reservar en esta web

Cama de matrimonio

(según disponibilidad)


(consulte condiciones)

Late check-out y early check-in

(según disponibilidad)

Encuesta de Satisfacción

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Encuesta de Satisfacción

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Enter dates and see prices

Select check-in date, check-out date and room type

Discover the advantages of booking on this website

Double bed

(subject to availability)


(check conditions)

Late check-out and early check-in

(subject to availability)

Satisfaction Survey

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Satisfaction Survey

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